Rude by Katie Hopkins
Rude provides an entertaining account of her opinions and how witty and humorous she is. She doesn’t apologise for her opinions or justify her views

Courtiers by Valentine Low
It seems there is a new book about the British Royal Family being released every other day. I’m not sure why this fascinates me, yet I find myself reading them. However, the British Royals are all over the news, in the papers and on social media. This month I...
It’s a Fair Cop by Alfie Moore – Podcast Review
It’s a Fair Cop is this month’s review of a hilarious podcast from BBC Sound by the ex-police officer and now comedian Alfie Moore. However, from this short introduction, you already know that I love it. It’s funny, and I recommend you listen to it.
Revenge by Tom Bower
“Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors.” by Tom Bower I think this book is so very sad. It’s sad because a family is being torn apart. It’s sad because a British institution is being attacked. And it’s sad because a...