Courtiers by Valentine Low
It seems there is a new book about the British Royal Family being released every other day. I’m not sure why this fascinates me, yet I find myself reading them. However, the British Royals are all over the news, in the papers and on social media. This month I...
How to design a book cover that sells
A well-designed book cover can distinguish between someone picking up your book and not. It’s essential to have a book cover that is eye-catching and accurately represents the content of your book. A good cover will also help your book stand out from the competition. So how do you go about designing a book cover that sells?
Revenge by Tom Bower
“Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors.” by Tom Bower I think this book is so very sad. It’s sad because a family is being torn apart. It’s sad because a British institution is being attacked. And it’s sad because a...
Lady in Waiting – Lady Anne Glenconner
Glenconner, the eldest child of the 5th Earl of Leicester, had what would seem an idyllic childhood. Glenconnor’s parents worked overseas, travelled and socialised. They left their two young daughters in the care of Nannies. One who abused her.