Let me apologise right away, I said I would not review any more biographies of the royal family. However, I am sure you agree I needed to review this book with Prince Harry’s book ‘Spare’ available in bookshops.
I’m among the many readers who purchased a copy of this book on its release day, eager to dive into its pages to find some interesting revelations about life as a royal. Currently, I’m a quarter way through its contents, and I must confess, the prospects of finishing it remain uncertain. On two separate occasions, I’ve attempted to read the just before bedtime. However, within five minutes, I’ve drifted off to sleep.

One of the book’s aspects that truly irks me is the fact that I’ve already encountered chapter 31 when I’m only a quarter of the way through. I appreciate shorter chapters, but it’s crucial to remember that a book’s chapter should signify a transition in the story or the recounting of a significant life event, rather than serving as a mere pause or filler to extend the book’s length.
Most people reading the book are intelligent and can understand a sentence. We don’t need to be told one fact and then have it backed up in three different ways to emphasise the point.
Language and Tone
The language, and tone of voice, is incredibly disjointed. The sentences no longer flow, and the alternative word makes you sit up and question its use. You can see when there is an authentic voice writing and when someone has sat in front of a thesaurus wanting to make them sound more intellectual.
This book has sparked a flurry of articles, capturing the collective imagination of readers and sparking extensive discussions. Countless hours of television and radio airtime have been devoted to dissecting its contents, with each commentator offering their unique perspective, resulting in a kaleidoscope of interpretations. What’s essential to bear in mind when diving into any biography is the age-old adage that there are three sides to every story: the perspective of the author, the viewpoints of the other individuals entwined in the narrative, and the unadulterated truth of what transpired. Within these pages, it’s imperative to keep in focus that what we’re exploring is essentially the author’s personal lens through which they perceive the unfolding events.
I am getting more frustrated with the narrative and the constant repetition of points. Would I recommend this book? I have to say, don’t go and spend £24.99. Wait until it’s in the second-hand bookshops.
In conclusion – Spare by Prince Harry
I will admit that I have been led by the media, which in this book is the villain and everything is their fault. More importantly, I have lived through some of these events from afar. I have taken a view of what has happened and am comfortable understanding the events. I’m afraid I have to disagree with some of the authors’ interpretations. I accept that I am viewing these events from afar. Still, the inconsistencies are too many, and the narrative is so very sad.

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex
/Samir Hussein/WireImage